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Gary Moore
Dorothy Moore

Tom Richardson

Victoria Richardson

Karl Jarvis

Claire Jarvis

Nick Garnish

Julie Garnish

Ewan Wauchope

Kate Wauchope

Gareth Watkins

Susan Watkins

Charlie Betteridge

Ulrike Betteridge

Nicholas Tusting

Sara Tusting

Anthony Ginman

Margaret Ginman

Nicholas Bensted-Smith JP CC

Sarah Bensted-Smith

David Bole

(No Consort Appointed)

Andy Miles

Sarah Miles

Julian Boulding

Anna Boulding

Matthew Hampson

Eleanor Hampson

Lt Cdr Les Chapman CMMar FNI RN
(No Consort Appointed)

Dr Grant Powell

Rosemarie Powell

Duncan Eggar

Annie Eggar

Jeff Kelly

Peter Westbury

Dr Sue Sumners

Dr David Sumners

Jane Carey-Harris

Gerald Moor

Dr David Keats

(No Consort Appointed)

Dr Colin Podmore MBE

(No Consort Appointed)

Deputy Keith Bottomley

Kevin Bradford

Charlie Laing

Alison Laing

Isabel Martinson MBE

David Martinson

James Minett

Elizabeth Minett

Charles Brooks

Penny Brooks

Mark Goodwin

Inga Jarkikh
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